
You have 14 days from receipt of your jewellery to contact us if there is a problem or you are not satisfied with your purchase. The cost of postage for returning the item(s) is your responsibility unless the issue is with HP Jewellery therefore, you will be refunded the postage after the items have been returned.

If you just want to return the item because it's not suitable, all items must be in perfect, saleable condition and in the original packaging.

The item is your responsibility until it reaches us. For your own security we recommend that you send the parcel using a delivery service which insures you for the value of the goods. We are not responsible for returns lost or damaged in transit.

You can obtain a Certificate of Posting (UK only - available free from the Post Office) for all returns. Please keep this Certificate until you have received your refund or replacement. If the fault is with HP Jewellery then the postage will be refunded.

Items exempt from the refund and exchange policy are

  • Commissioned items
  • Customised pieces
  • Bespoke pieces
  • Earrings – for hygiene reasons

Timescale - Orders/Returns

Other than situations beyond our control, we will do our best to get your order or return to you as soon as possible and within the times agreed.

If you are in or around the Inverness area you can contact us and arrange a time to come to the studio and collect your order in person if you wish.

Returns address

HP Jewellery, Returns, Suite 172, 8 Church Street, Inverness IV1 1EA Scotland. UK